
How to detect Nokia 5 (TA-1053, Android Nougat 7.1.1) as ADB device under Ubuntu 14.04 terminal?

Below is the procedure to enumerate Nokia-5 Android Nougat device under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS terminal window


  • SYMPTOM: adb devices does not correctly enumerate Nokia-5 device under Ubuntu 14.04 terminal and displays permissions error message like below:

    > adb devices
    **ABCDEFGHIJ123456     no permissions (verify udev rules); see [** 

    MY ANDROID SETUP: Android SDK for Nougat and platform-tools are up-to-date via Android Studio. (ADB version 1.0.39)

    DESCRIPTION: On a fresh Nokia 5 android nougat device, I had problem enumerating the phone via ADB. Using Android Studio, selecting target device under Run would display the device as ABCDEFGHIJ123456[null]. Upon checking the permission of the adb under ${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools - indicated that adb had execute (+x) permissions. So, I was not sure what was the problem.

    SOLUTION: Looking into lsusb, there was vendorID and productID followed by empty string like: ... ... Bus 001 Device 007: ID 2e04:c026 ... ... It took a while to figure out the empty string (that I overlooked) within the list of other vendorIds. Once I realized this, I edited the 51-android-rules to add the above vendorId (HMD Global) and productId along with permission=0666 and group="plugdev", saved the file and reconnected the device

    > nano /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules and add the following line: SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTR{idVendor}=="2e04",ATTR{idProduct}=="c026",MODE="0666",GROUP="plugdev"


    $ adb devices
    List of devices attached
    * daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5037 *
    * daemon started successfully *
    ABCDEFGHIJ123456    unauthorized

    Select "Allow access from computer.." on the device and issue command again:

    $ adb devices
    List of devices attached
    D1AGAD1762314433    device

    Now, I am able to use the device without any glitch.

    Hope it helps others in need!