
translate a PHP $string using google translator API

been google'ing for a while how is the best way to translate with google translator in PHP, found very different ways converting URLS, or using Js but i want to do it only with php (or with a very simple solution JS/JQUery)


//hopefully with $from_lan and $to_lan being like 'en','de', .. or similar
function translate($from_lan, $to_lan, $text){

// do

return $translated_text;


can you give me a clue? or maybe you already have this function..

my intention it's to use it only for the languages i have not already defined (or keys i haven't defined), that's why i wan it so simple, will be only temporal..


thanks for your replies we are now trying this soulutions:

function auto_translate($from_lan, $to_lan, $text){
// do

$json = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . urlencode($text) . '&langpair=' . $from_lan . '|' . $to_lan));
$translated_text = $json->responseData->translatedText;

return $translated_text;


(there was a extra 'g' on variables for lang... anyway)

it returns: works now :)

i don't really understand much the function, so any idea why is not acepting the object? (now i do)


    function auto_translate($from_lan, $to_lan, $text){
    // do

//    $json = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . urlencode($text) . '&langpair=' . $from_lan . '|' . $to_lan));
//    $translated_text = $json['responseData']['translatedText'];
       $gt = new Gtranslate();
       $translated_text = $gt->english_to_german($text);

     } catch (GTranslateException $ge)
           $translated_text= $ge->getMessage();

    return $translated_text;

And this one looks great but it doesn't even gives me an error, the page won't load (error_report(1) :S)

thanks in advance!


  • I haven't tested this yet, but try:

    function translate($from_lan, $to_lan, $text){
        $json = json_decode(file_get_contents('' . urlencode($text) . '&langpair=' . $from_lan . '|' . $to_lan));
        $translated_text = $json->responseData->translatedText;
        return $translated_text;

    EDIT: Fixed, tested and works.