
Is it reasonable to create a presentation in R markdown (no internet connection on the presenter PC)

I'm going to prepare a presentation that will contain a graphs and tables that are output of the R! and Python scripts.

Thus, although R-Markdown in many cases do not provide so visually appealing output as Prezi, it has other advantages such as being an Open Source and allowing me to export the results (to HTML) without paying. I would like to prepare my presentation in R-Markdown with slidy or slidyfy.

However my concern is that on the presentation laptop I will not have a R!, RStudio and a web-browser will be probably not the latest one. Laptop will probably not have access to the Internet.

Is it 'safe' to prepare a presentation in .Rmd in such case? Will I have any problem with generated HTML? Will it be possible to export (properly) any .Rmd to PDF as well


  • Not an answer but a more a thing to think, You could bring with you a USB key with a portable browser of your need (on which you try).

    I don't know much about .Rmd but with a short search, it seems you can embeded html dependencies with your presentation and be autonomous without internet :





