Using the wonderful react-dropzone module I am attempting to read a dropped file with a FileReader before placing it in the redux store and sending it to the server. However, the events on the reader never trigger and I can't find out why not. Hope someone can help.
For curiosity, here's the onDrop
handler I give the react-dropzone component:
const onDrop = (accepted, rejected) => {
if(rejected.length > 0) {
return console.error('Dropzone rejected:', rejected)
Here's my current onChange function:
const onChange = (file) => {
file instanceof Blob === true
file instanceof File === true
var reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload((event) => {
reader.onerror((event) => {
Looking at the documentation and many posts on stackoverflow, the above should be right. The reader indeed changes its readyState to 1
and result to ""
. Yet, when I log the reader it never continues to readyState 2 nor does it ever trigger any events, also no error event.
Could there be somehting wrong with the file?
Looks like a typo: should be .onload
instead of .onLoad
example from the docs (note the =
reader.onload = function(event) {
// The file's text will be printed here