I'm trying to implement a ViewPager with a FragmentPagerAdapter, where the ViewPager itself is located inside a fragment. I've read in the docs that it should be possible with the newest Support Library and by using nested fragments. Principally I would like the PagerAdapter to use the root fragment's child fragment manager.
So, my project uses ActionBarSherlock and SherlockFragments. As the support lib bundled with ActionBarSherlock didn't include the method getChildFragmentManager() at all, I downloaded the newest support library v4 and placed it in the libs folder of ActionBarSherlock and my project, too. With this change the project compiles okay, but at first run it exits with a NoSuchMethodError regarding getChildFragmentManager(). What am I doing wrong here?
(P.s. I'm testing it with Android 2.2 which is my targeted minimum platform.)
SOLVED: I replaced the support library in my project and in all referenced libraries with the latest version. Then I cleaned my project, however I forgot to clean and rebuild the referenced libraries, too... This led to this peculiar behaviour.
SOLVED: I replaced the support library in my project and in all referenced libraries with the latest version. Then I cleaned my project, however I forgot to clean and rebuild the referenced libraries, too... This led to this peculiar behaviour.