
Stored procedures vs standard select update, avoid locks

In order to retrieve an ID, I first do a select and then an update, in two consequent queries.

The problem is that I am having problems with locked rows. I've read that putting both this statements, Select and Update in one stored procedure it helps with the locks. Is this true?

The queries I run are:

select counter 
from dba.counter_list 
where table_name = :TableName

update dba.counter_list 
set counter = :NewCounter 
where table_name = :TableName

The problem is that it can happen that multiple users are selecting the same row and also possible that they update the same row.


  • Assumptions:

    Consider the following update statement which should eliminate any race conditions that may occur with multiple users running your select/update logic concurrently:

    declare @counter int            -- change to the appropriate datatype
    update  dba.counter_list
    set     @counter = counter,     -- grab current value
            counter  = :NewCounter  -- set to new value
    where   table_name = :TableName
    select  @counter                -- send previous counter value to client

    Whether you submit the above via a SQL batch or a stored proc call is up to you and your DBA to decide ...