
Get random subsample from pyfits data table

I have a very simple question, but Google does not seem to be able to help me here. I want a subsample of a pyfits table... basically just remove 90% of the rows, or something like that. I read the table with:

data_table = pyfits.getdata(base_dir + filename)

I like the pyfits table organization where I access a field with data_table.field(fieldname), so I would like to keep the data structure, but remove rows.


  • You can use numpy.random.choice to create an array containing several random choices from another array.

    In your case you want "x" rows from your data_table. You can't directly use choice on the Table but you can use the len of your table for random.choice:

    import numpy as np
    rows_numbers_to_keep = np.random.choice(len(data_table), 2, replace=False)

    And then index your table:

    subsample = data_table[rows_numbers_to_keep]

    For example (I'm using astropy because PyFITS isn't developed anymore and has been migrated to

    >>> data
    FITS_rec([(1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8), (3, 6, 9), (4, 7, 0)],
             dtype=(numpy.record, [('a', 'S21'), ('b', 'S21'), ('c', 'S21')]))
    >>> data[np.random.choice(len(data), 2, replace=False)]  # keep 2 distinct rows
    FITS_rec([(1, 4, 7), (4, 7, 0)],
             dtype=(numpy.record, [('a', 'S21'), ('b', 'S21'), ('c', 'S21')]))

    If you want to allow getting the same row several times you can use replace=True instead.