
How to create an extension to parse multiple line for thephpleague/commonmark


I am trying to create an extension (to extend AbstractBlockParser, I believe) which will find an opening tag, move the lines following into a block, and then stop when a closing tag is found (on its own on a last line).

While looking at the examples provided, it is extremely hard to work out how they build a block composed of multiple lines, e.g. using a code fence, and the documentation does not cover this scenario.

The list parser code seems to show ListItems being added to a ListBlock, but how does it know when to stop?

Example Markdown

{{ Object ID
Any markdown goes here.
Some more
  * List 1
  * List 2

And the output might be:

<div class="object">
    <span>Object ID</span>
    <p>Any markdown goes here.
    Some more</p>
        <li>List 1</li>
        <li>List 2</li>


  • The trick is that your Block should have the canContain() and matchesNextLine() methods always return true; - these will ensure that subsequent lines always get added as child blocks. (Take a look at the FencedCode and ListBlock implementations.)

    Here's some code which should work:


    class ObjectBlock extends AbstractBlock
        private $objectId;
        public function __construct($objectId)
            $this->objectId = $objectId;
        public function getObjectId()
            return $this->objectId;
        public function canContain(AbstractBlock $block)
            return true;
        public function acceptsLines()
            return false;
        public function isCode()
            return false;
        public function matchesNextLine(Cursor $cursor)
            return true;


    class ObjectParser extends AbstractBlockParser
        public function parse(ContextInterface $context, Cursor $cursor)
            // Look for the starting syntax
            if ($cursor->match('/^{{ /')) {
                $id = $cursor->getRemainder();
                $context->addBlock(new ObjectBlock($id));
                return true;
            // Look for the ending syntax
            } elseif ($cursor->match('/^}} +$/')) {
                // TODO: I don't know if this is the best approach, but it should work
                // Basically, we're going to locate a parent ObjectBlock in the AST...
                $container = $context->getContainer();
                while ($container) {
                    if ($container instanceof ObjectBlock) {
                        // Found it!  Now we'll close everything up to (and including) it
                        return true;
                    $container = $container->parent();
            return false;


    class ObjectRenderer implements BlockRendererInterface
        public function render(AbstractBlock $block, ElementRendererInterface $htmlRenderer, $inTightList = false)
            $span = sprintf('<span>%s</span>', $block->getObjectId());
            $contents = $htmlRenderer->renderBlocks($block->children());
            return new HtmlElement('div', ['class' => 'object'],
                $span . $contents

    Disclaimer: Although I am the author of this library, the particular logic (containers, tips, and block-closing) was mostly forked as-is from the JS version and I only understand about 75% of it - just enough to keep my fork working and figure out approaches that work :)