
Continuously scrolling horizontal ticker containing images in jQuery?

I would like to do something like this:

The script I referenced however seems to be a bit laggy (outdated?), so I was wondering if anyone knew of a better solution. (jQuery solutions welcome.)


  • Just found this — jQuery-driven, and has images. I’m intending to use it for a current project.

    UPDATE: I have now used this in production code. The plugin is capable of looping 70+ 150×65px images pretty smoothly - which a number of another plugin I tried similar to this were failing on.

    NOTE it reeked havoc with z-index issues in IE 6 / 7 and was not showing up etc. - But this might also have been partly due to my CSS. To anyone having trouble with it not showing up at all in IE check out the standard IE z-index fixes:

    LATEST UPDATE: Addition things to consider when implementing plug-ins like these:

    I have now also found these two scroller plugins to be very good as well.