I am using FPDI and FPDF and when I import my pdf which has a full-sized, good-looking design, for some reason the generated pdf that I save in a folder is slightly modified in size, a bit smaller / cropped both at the bottom and on the right/left sides. How can I import the PDF as is? With the exact same size as the original? Thanks in advance!
use setasign\Fpdi\Fpdi;
// initiate FPDI
$pdf = new Fpdi();
$tplidx = $pdf->importPage(1);
$pdf->SetXY(5, 5);
$pdf->Write(8, 'This is an example of inputted text.');
$pdf->Output($filename, 'F');
This is a good issue to show that FPDI does not modify a PDF but let you import page into a reusable structure.
You defined no page size in the constructor nor in the addPage() call, so your resulting page size is A4 (default size).
If you import a page in e.g. letter format this imported page will not fit onto the A4 page - sure.
There are some solutions for this:
A: Get the size of the imported page and call AddPage() with this parameter:
$pageId = $this->ImportPage($pageNo);
$s = $this->getTemplatesize($pageId);
$this->AddPage($s['orientation'], $s);
B: Set the $adjustPageSize parameter of the useImportedPage() / useTemplate() method to true:
$pageId = $this->ImportPage($pageNo);
$this->useTemplate($pageId, ['adjustPageSize' => true]);
I would suggest solution A because it's straight forward.