I am trying to query several fields at the same time that contains a list of string values in Realm. Lets say that I have the following Object:
public class Article extends RealmObject implements Serializable{
private String aID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
private String title;
private String description;
private String authors;
private RealmList<Tag> tags;
I would like to query all the articles what title, or description, or tags contain the list of strings.
I know that the predicate "in" can be used to match a list of values to a field as follows:
.in("title", listOfValues,Case.INSENSITIVE)
.in("description", listOfValues, Case.INSENSITIVE)
.in("tags.tag",listOfValues, Case.INSENSITIVE)
This will only return "matching" values, but I am looking for "containing" values. There is also the "contains" predicate, but I think it can only be compared to one value.
Is there anyway to do this?
A work around to solve this question is as @EpicPandaForce suggested in his comment, iterate and use contains. Here is the code for doing this:
RealmResults<Article> newResults;
RealmQuery<Article> where = r.where(Article.class).beginGroup();
for (String keyword : keywords) {
where = where.contains("name", keyword, Case.INSENSITIVE)
.contains("description", keyword, Case.INSENSITIVE)
.equalTo("tags.tag", keyword, Case.INSENSITIVE);
newResults = where.endGroup().findAll();