
Target device api level(API 19) too low for Instant run Android Studio

I just connected my phone to android studio for development and debugging. When I click on Instant run icon(Android studio 2.3.3), It says Target device api level(API 19) too low for Instant run. How could I enable instant run on my device.

I have Samsung note 2(GT-N7100) and android 4.4.2

Every time I click on run and debug icon, It restart my app and then install apk again.

I have another phone (Samsung note 5), android 7. On this device instant run works fine, But I want this feature on another device.

I know this might be of topic question, But I really want to enable instant run.

Edit: I mean If I upgrade my android version, will this work. Then I will root my phone and install custom firmware.


  • That is the current behavior for Android Run. From the docs:

    The Apply Changes action is available only when you meet the following conditions:

    • Build your app using a debug build variant.
    • Use Android plugin for Gradle version 2.3.0 or higher.
    • Set minSdkVersion to 15 or higher in your app's module-level build.gradle file.
    • Deploy your app to a target device running Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher.

    You can try JRebel for Android and see if it works for you. They offer a free version that has the same functionality as instant run.