I'd like to build an OO hierarchy of errors and warnings returned to the client during a, let's say, pricing operation:
interface PricingMessage {}
interface PricingWarning extends PricingMessage {}
interface PricingError extends PricingMessage {}
class NoSuchProductError implements PricingError {
I'm not very keen on the name PricingMessage
. What is the concept that includes errors and warnings?
EDIT: To be clear, I'm looking for a common concept or name for errors and warnings specifically (excluding e.g. general info messages). For instance, compilers also report errors and warnings. What are these?
Some suggestions...
An operation has results, which could be some number of errors, warnings, notes and explicit or implied (no errors) success.
An operation ran, but with issues, some of which could be fatal (errors) and some of which might not be (warnings). If there are no issues, success is implied.
An operation might have or be in an error condition or a warning condition. I think some compilers use "condition" as an abstract term for an error or warning.
The outcome of an operation might include diagnostics for errors and warnings. Another compiler term, I believe.