I'm getting this error in the editor
"SetDestination" can only be called on an active agent that has been placed on a NavMesh.
These are the steps that I tried when solving the problem:
Warping the Nav Mesh Agents position can sometimes cause errors, especially if it has gone from one navmesh to another.
It's a strange bug, but it seems detecting if the agent is not on the navmesh, and then disabling and re-enabling the agent - will fix the issue (it did in my case).
I've solved this in my project by doing the following when I warp.
//use some existing reference to your NavMeshAgent
NavMeshAgent agent = PlayerController.instance.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
//This will fire when you get the error you're describing.
if (!agent.isOnNavMesh)
Vector3 warpPosition; //Set to position you want to warp to
agent.transform.position = warpPosition;
agent.enabled = false;
agent.enabled = true;