
Smallest n-bit integer c that has k 1-bits and is the sum of two n-bit integers that have g, h bits set to 1(dynamic programming)

I am trying to solve the following problem:

Find the smallest n-bit integer c that has k 1-bits and is the sum of two n-bit integers that have g, h bits set to 1. g, h, k <= n

To start with, n-bit integer here means that we may use all n bits, i.e. max. value of such an integer is 2^n - 1. The described integer may not exist at all. It is obvious the case k > g + h has no solutions and for g + h = k the answer is just 2^k - 1 (first k bits are 1-bits, k - n zeroes in the front).

As for some examples of what the program is supposed to do:

g = h = k = 4, n = 10 :
0000001111 + 0000001111 = 0000011110
15 + 15 = 30 (30 should be the output)

(4, 6, 5, 10):
0000011110 + 0000111111 = 0001011101
30 + 63 = 93

(30, 1, 1, 31):
1 + (2^30 - 1) = 2^30

As I think of it, this is a dynamic programming problem and I've chosen the following approach: Let dp[g][h][k][n][c] be the described integer and c is an optional bit for carrying. I try to reconstruct possible sums depending on the lowest-order bits. So, dp[g][h][k][n + 1][0] is the minimum of

(0, 0):       dp[g][h][k][n][0]
(0, 0): 2^n + dp[g][h][k - 1][n][1]
(1, 0): 2^n + dp[g - 1][h][k - 1][n][0]
(0, 1): 2^n + dp[g][h - 1][k - 1][n][0]

Similarly, dp[g][h][k][n + 1][1] is the minimum of

(1, 1): dp[g - 1][h - 1][k][n][0]
(1, 1): dp[g - 1][h - 1][k - 1][n][1] + 2^n
(1, 0): dp[g - 1][h][k][n][1]
(0, 1): dp[g][h - 1][k][n][1]

The idea isn't that hard but I'm not really experienced with such things and my algorithm doesn't work even for simplest cases. I've chosen top-down approach. It's hard for me to consider all the corner cases. I do not really know if I've properly chosen base of recursion, etc. My algorithm doesn't even work for the most basic case for g = h = k = 1, n = 2(the answer is 01 + 01 = 10). There shouldn't be an answer for g = h = k = 1, n = 1 but the algorithm gives 1(which is basically why the former example outputs 1 instead of 2). So, here goes my awful code(only very basic C++):

int solve(int g, int h, int k, int n, int c = 0) {
  if (n <= 0) {
    return 0;
  if (dp[g][h][k][n][c]) {
    return dp[g][h][k][n][c];
  if (!c) {
    if (g + h == k) {
      return dp[g][h][k][n][c] = (1 << k) - 1;
    int min, a1, a2, a3, a4;
    min = a1 = a2 = a3 = a4 = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    if (g + h > k && k <= n - 1) {
      a1 = solve(g, h, k, n - 1, 0);
    if (g + h >= k - 1 && k - 1 <= n - 1) {
      a2 = (1 << (n - 1)) + solve(g, h, k - 1, n - 1, 1);
    if (g - 1 + h >= k - 1 && k - 1 <= n - 1) {
      a3 = (1 << (n - 1)) + solve(g - 1, h, k - 1, n - 1, 0);
    if (g + h - 1 >= k - 1 && k - 1 <= n - 1) {
      a4 = (1 << (n - 1)) + solve(g, h - 1, k - 1, n - 1, 0);
    min = std::min({a1, a2, a3, a4});
    return dp[g][h][k][n][c] = min;
  } else {
    int min, a1, a2, a3, a4;
    min = a1 = a2 = a3 = a4 = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    if (g - 2 + h >= k && k <= n - 1) {
      a1 = solve(g - 1, h - 1, k, n - 1, 0);
    if (g - 2 + h >= k - 1 && k - 1 <= n - 1) {
      a2 = (1 << (n - 1)) + solve(g - 1, h - 1, k - 1, n - 1, 1);
    if (g - 1 + h >= k && k <= n - 1) {
      a3 = solve(g - 1, h, k, n - 1, 1);
    if (g - 1 + h >= k && k <= n - 1) {
      a4 = solve(g, h - 1, k, n - 1, 1);
    min = std::min({a1, a2, a3, a4});
    return dp[g][h][k][n][c] = min;


  • You can construct the smallest sum based on the bit counts g, h, and k, without doing any dynamic programming at all. Assuming that g ≥ h (switch them otherwise) these are the rules:

    k ≤ h ≤ g

          11111111  <-  g ones  
      111100000111  <-  h-k ones + g-k zeros + k ones
     1000000000110  <-  n must be at least h+g-k+1

    h ≤ k ≤ g

        1111111111  <-  g ones  
          11111100  <-  h ones + k-h zeros
        1011111011  <-  n must be at least g+1

    h ≤ g ≤ k

     1111111100000  <-  g ones + k-g ones  
     1100000011111  <-  g+h-k ones, k-h zeros, k-g ones
    11011111111111  <-  n must be at least k+1, or k if g+h=k

    Example: all values of k for n=10, g=6 and h=4:

    k=1           k=2           k=3           k=4       
    0000111111    0000111111    0000111111    0000111111
    0111000001    0011000011    0001000111    0000001111
    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
    1000000000    0100000010    0010000110    0001001110
    k=4           k=5           k=6
    0000111111    0000111111    0000111111
    0000001111    0000011110    0000111100
    ----------    ----------    ----------
    0001001110    0001011101    0001111011
    k=6           k=7           k=8           k=9           k=10
    0000111111    0001111110    0011111100    0111111000    1111110000
    0000111100    0001110001    0011000011    0100000111    0000001111
    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
    0001111011    0011101111    0110111111    1011111111    1111111111

    Or, going straight to the value of c without calculating a and b first:

    k ≤ h ≤ g

    c = (1 << (g + h - k)) + ((1 << k) - 2)

    h ≤ k ≤ g

    c = (1 << g) + ((1 << k) - 1) - (1 << (k - h))

    h ≤ g ≤ k

    c = ((1 << (k + 1)) - 1) - (1 << ((g - h) + 2 * (k - g)))

    h + g = k

    c = (1 << k) - 1

    which results in this disappointingly mundane code:

    int smallest_sum(unsigned n, unsigned g, unsigned h, unsigned k) {
        if (g < h) {unsigned swap = g; g = h; h = swap;}
        if (k == 0) return (g > 0 || h > 0 || n < 1) ? -1 : 0;
        if (h == 0) return (g != k || n < k) ? -1 : (1 << k) - 1;
        if (k <= h) return (n <= h + g - k) ? -1 : (1 << (g + h - k)) + ((1 << k) - 2);
        if (k <= g) return (n <= g) ? -1 : (1 << g) + ((1 << k) - 1) - (1 << (k - h));
        if (k < g + h) return (n <= k) ? -1 : (1 << (k + 1)) - 1 - (1 << (2 * k - g - h));
        if (k == g + h) return (n < k) ? -1 : (1 << k) - 1;
        return -1;

    Some example results:

    n=31, g=15, h=25, k=10  ->  1,073,742,846  (1000000000000000000001111111110)
    n=31, g=15, h=25, k=20  ->     34,602,975  (0000010000011111111111111011111)
    n=31, g=15, h=25, k=30  ->  2,146,435,071  (1111111111011111111111111111111)

    (I compared the results with those of a brute-force algorithm for every value of n, g, h and k from 0 to 20 to check correctness, and found no differences.)