I'm using the JavaFX Gradle plugin to build my JavaFX application. Is it possible to add more than one start menu item to the finished installer?
After answering your other question regarding additional native launchers I checked the sources of the JDK, to see what is needed for this.
Any launcher with the enabled "needMenu"-property will be reflected in some menu-entry inside the start-menu. Just add something like this to your buildfile:
jfx {
// ... normal configuration ...
// your secondary entry points, each will inherit the configuration, unless you specify otherwise here
secondaryLaunchers = [
appName: 'somethingDifferent2',
mainClass: 'your.different.entrypoint.MainApp',
// the following is required for an start-menu entry
needMenu: true
Disclaimer: I'm the creator of that JavaFX-Gradle-plugin