
Safari Developer Tools: Preserve Network Log on Navigation

When using Safari Web Inspector to view the Network Log, the log is reset upon navigation, i.e. navigating to a different page clears the log.

In the Chrome Developer Tools, I can easily persist the network log by checking the "Preserve log" checkbox in the Network tab. In Firefox Developer Tools, I can preserve the network log by checking "Enable persistent logs" in the developer tools preferences.

With this persistence enabled, the network log remains intact until I manually clear the output, simplifying the process of tracking requests and redirects that happen during navigation to a new page.

Is there a similar feature in Safari Web Inspector?


  • In Safari 16.0 they have moved again:

    Safari network log settings

    In Safari 11.1.2 this is a setting on each tab under the checkbox "Preserve Log"

    Console tab

    Network tab

    Note that if your Web Inspector window is too narrow to show all options, you'll have to expand it until it is wide enough to display the Preserve Log option, as mentioned in an answer by ShortFuse.

    In Safari 11 this was in the Settings panel under "Network: Clear when page navigates", and it's sister setting "Console: Clear when page navigates".

    Safari settings for network and console clearing when page navigates