I have the following code to connect to a REST API service, authenticate, retrieve a session ID then make further requests passing the session ID to authenticate. The initial request works and I get a HTTP 200 OK plus the session ID in the response, however when I try to make a second request passing the session ID in the header, I get
Caught: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: Bad Request
I know the script can be written much better with the use of classes and try / catch etc. I am still learning both java and groovy so I start by just trying to do everything within the same class.
Any help much appreciated.
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder
import groovyx.net.http.URIBuilder
import static groovyx.net.http.Method.POST
import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.*
def url = ''
def uri = new URIBuilder(url)
String CHKPsid
uri.path = 'login'
def http = new HTTPBuilder(uri)
http.request(POST,JSON ) { req ->
headers.'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
body = [
response.success = { resp, json ->
println (json)
CHKPsid = (json.sid)
println "POST Success: ${resp.statusLine}"
uri.path = 'show-changes'
http.request(POST,JSON ) { req ->
headers.'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
headers.'X-chkp-sid' = '${CHKPsid}'
body = [
"from-date" : "2017-02-01T08:20:50",
"to-date" : "2017-10-21"
response.success = { resp, json ->
println (json)
println "POST Success: ${resp.statusLine}"
String interpolation does not work with single (or triple single quotes). When groovy will evaluate '${CHKPsid}'
(single quotes), its value will be ${CHKPsid}
(this string). In order to use the value of the variable, you should use double quotes: "${CHKPsid}"
or simply just the variable: headers.'X-chkp-sid' = CHKPsid
So the output of this:
String CHKPsid = "abc123"
println '${CHKPsid}'
println "${CHKPsid}"
will be:
In order to quickly test what the server receives, you can use httpbin.org or requestb.in