IN Red and Rebol(3), you can use the split
function to split a string into a list of items:
>> items: split {1, 2, 3, 4} {,}
== ["1" " 2" " 3" " 4"]
What is the corresponding inverse function to join
a list of items into a string? It should work similar to the following:
>> join items {, }
== "1, 2, 3, 4"
There is an old modification of rejoin doing that
rejoin: func [
"Reduces and joins a block of values - allows /with refinement."
block [block!] "Values to reduce and join"
/with join-thing "Value to place in between each element"
block: reduce block
if with [
while [not tail? block: next block][
insert block join-thing
block: next block
block: head block
append either series? first block [
copy first block
] [
form first block
next block
call it like this rejoin/with [..] delimiter
But I am pretty sure, there are other, even older solutions.