I think this is a bit advanced for me, but my goal would be to get the raw json from an http API, parse a first list from it, do whatever I need to do with that then move on to the next list, and so on. My hope being that this should allow for only one list at a time to be loaded in memory (each list is pretty small, but there are a LOT of lists in the json). I tried it with Aeson, and it ate up all the ram and processed endlessly for hours, I ended up having to kill it.
If I understand it correctly, httpSink should be the way to go, with maybe json-stream to do the actual parsing. I read the tutorial about conduits, but I'm clearly not understanding it properly since I can't make that work.
I know how to use parseByteString to decode a ByteString the way I need (at least my tests seem to work), but I can't figure out a way to use parseByteString as a Sink for httpSink's second parameter. Am I missing something obvious, or am I mistaken about the way conduit works ?
I haven't tested this, since I'm honestly not that familiar with the library, but I think this adapter function will make it work with conduit:
module Data.JsonStream.Parser.Conduit
( jsonConduit
, JsonStreamException (..)
) where
import Data.Conduit
import Data.JsonStream.Parser
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Typeable
:: MonadThrow m
=> Parser a
-> ConduitM ByteString a m ()
jsonConduit =
go . runParser
go (ParseYield x p) = yield x >> go p
go (ParseNeedData f) = await >>= maybe
(throwM JsonStreamNotEnoughData)
(go . f)
go (ParseFailed str) = throwM $ JsonStreamException str
go (ParseDone bs) = leftover bs
data JsonStreamException
= JsonStreamException !String
| JsonStreamNotEnoughData
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception JsonStreamException