I have strange problem here with self invoked function which need jquery .
This is the library i want to use : jquery.selectareas.js
This is the code
import * as jQuery from 'jquery';
import "query.selectareas.js"
Runtime Error : jQuery is not defined at this line
I tried to import JQ with all different combinations
//import * as $ from 'jquery';
//import * as jQuery from 'jquery';
//window['$'] = window['jQuery'] = $;
//import "jquery"
What I understand that the imported jQuery should be available inside the jquery.selectareas.js scope when importing it, because they will be inside same scope .
Note : jquery work i used it after all import statements
You might need imports-loader
import "imports-loader?jQuery=jquery!query.selectareas.js"
This will inject a jQuery
variable to your imported module