I need to set up a user group which should have access to everything like the admingroup but with readonly rightsg. I know that there is a way to set the access rights for single types, but is there any method which sets the readonly right to all? Also I need to know if there is a type which allows login rights to specific cockpits. The problem is that some users are allowed to access to productcockpit but not into cmscockpit.
Please see the script below, this script enables read only rights for the product cockpit. Please change the same for other cockpits
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import Access Rights for Product Cockpit
INSERT_UPDATE UserGroup;UID[unique=true];groups(uid)[mode=append]
INSERT_UPDATE Employee;UID[unique=true];password[default=$defaultPassword];description;name;groups(uid);sessionLanguage(isocode);sessionCurrency(isocode)
;myproductmanager;;Product manager;My Product Manager; myproductmanagergroup;en;ZAR
UPDATE CatalogVersion;catalog(id)[unique=true];version[unique=true];writePrincipals(uid);
# Access Rights for Products & Catalog;;;;;;;;;