i am loading a CSV file through PHP and inserting into a temporary table, this is what my loading PHP script and MySQL query.
while (($data = fgetcsv($source, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE)
if($i!=0) {
$query= "INSERT INTO temp_table(column1,column2,column3,column4,column5,column6,load_datetime)
VALUES (nullif('$column1',''), nullif('$column2',''), nullif('$column3',''), nullif('$column4',''), nullif('$column5',''), nullif('$column6',''),now())";
mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
and my CSV file has 25000 records, this is a sample row from my CSV
the problem i face is, it takes more than 10 minutes when i load the CSV and in between the page goes blank. My PHP settings: upload_max_filesize: 100M post_max_size:100M max_execution_time:1000 max_input_time:1000.
this my table detail
CREATE TABLE temp_table (
id int(11) NOT NULL,
column1 time DEFAULT NULL,
column2 time DEFAULT NULL,
column3 time DEFAULT NULL,
column4 time DEFAULT NULL,
column5 time DEFAULT NULL,
column6 time DEFAULT NULL,
load_datetime datetime DEFAULT NULL
and when i check the temp_table it has inserted around 8000 records. please help me with an approach to insert faster.
I would be recommended to you stop use mysql extension (mysql_*)
and start use mysqli or PDO.
Try to group data of a few rowns into one query.
$i = 0;
$i2 = 0;
$sql = "INSERT INTO temp_table(column1,column2,column3,column4,column5,column6,load_datetime) VALUES ";
$values = [];
while (($data = fgetcsv($source, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
if(++$i == 1)
else {
$data = array_map(function($item) {
return $item == '' ? 'NULL' : "'$item'";
}, $data);
$values[] = "(" . implode(", ", $data) . ', now()' . ")";
if (++$i2 == 500) {
mysql_query ($sql . implode(', ', $values)) or die(mysql_error());
$values = [];
$i2 = 0;
if (!empty($values)) {
mysql_query ($sql . implode(', ', $values)) or die(mysql_error());
$values = [];