
PintOS Installation in Bochs

I am installing Pintos in Bochs for past several days. Everything compiled fine in the "threads" directory and I have also set all the paths fine. I have the kernel.lo and other files in the build directory.

The problem is with the last command I run: pintos run alarm-multiple

This produces an error: Unrecognized character \x16; marked by <-- HERE after if ($<-- HERE near column 7 at /home/superboy/pintos/src/utils/pintos line 911.

The code at line 911 of the pintos script is:

# Calls setitimer to set a timeout, then execs what was passed to us.
sub exec_setitimer {
if (defined $timeout) {
if ($  ge 5.8.0) {
    eval "
          use Time::HiRes qw(setitimer ITIMER_VIRTUAL);
          setitimer (ITIMER_VIRTUAL, $timeout, 0);
} else {
    { exec ("setitimer-helper", $timeout, @_); };
    exit 1 if !$!{ENOENT};
    print STDERR "warning: setitimer-helper is not installed, so ",
      "CPU time limit will not be enforced\n";
exec (@_);
exit (1);

I am using Debian-9 Stretch


  • I repeated the same steps in ubuntu and it worked. Seems like pintos has problems running on Debian.