
Apache Isis Security login No password encryption service is installed

I'm new to Apache Isis, after I implemented Security Module, I try to login using isis-module-security-admin and pass. When I login I received this exception

11:38:48,577 [Native qtp1881129850-19 DEBUG] SELECT '' AS "NUCLEUS_TYPE","A0"."accountType","A0"."atPath","A0"."emailAddress","A0"."encryptedPassword","A0"."familyName","A0"."faxNumber","A0"."givenName","A0"."knownAs","A0"."phoneNumber","A0"."status","A0"."username","A0"."id","A0"."version" FROM "isissecurity"."ApplicationUser" "A0" WHERE "A0"."username" = <'isis-module-security-admin'> 11:38:48,590 [Native qtp1881129850-19 DEBUG] SELECT '' AS "NUCLEUS_TYPE","A1"."description","A1"."name","A1"."id" FROM "isissecurity"."ApplicationUserRoles" "A0" INNER JOIN "isissecurity"."ApplicationRole" "A1" ON "A0"."roleId" = "A1"."id" WHERE "A0"."userId" = <0> 11:38:48,599 [Native qtp1881129850-19 DEBUG] SELECT DISTINCT '' AS "NUCLEUS_TYPE","A0"."featureFqn","A0"."featureType","A0"."mode","A0"."rule","A0"."id","A0"."version" FROM "isissecurity"."ApplicationPermission" "A0" CROSS JOIN "isissecurity"."ApplicationUser" "VAR_u" INNER JOIN "isissecurity"."ApplicationUserRoles" "C0" ON "VAR_u"."id" = "C0"."userId" INNER JOIN "isissecurity"."ApplicationRole" "D0" ON "C0"."roleId" = "D0"."id" WHERE "D0"."id" = "A0"."roleId" AND "VAR_u"."username" = <'isis-module-security-admin'> 11:38:48,614 [ShiroAuthenticatorOrAuthorizor qtp1881129850-19 ERROR] Unable to authenticate org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationException: No password encryption service is installed

It look like I did not install Password encryption service. but I already add it into my pom.xml. What else should I do?

I try to override getAdditionalServices, but it's error Can't override, method is final.


  • Which version of Apache Isis?

    If 1.15.x, then the incode platform's quickstart archetype shows the configuration in the AppManifest, see here