Using Google Apps Script (, I know from the docs, how to send, forward, move to trash messages, etc. but I don't find how to remove a file attachement of an email, i.e.:
If it's not possible via the API, is there a way to resend the message to myself, while keeping 1, 2 and 3?
Note: the GmailAttachment
class looks interesting and allows to list recipients:
var threads = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0, 10);
var msgs = GmailApp.getMessagesForThreads(threads);
for (var i = 0 ; i < msgs.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < msgs[i].length; j++) {
var attachments = msgs[i][j].getAttachments();
for (var k = 0; k < attachments.length; k++) {
Logger.log('Message "%s" contains the attachment "%s" (%s bytes)',
msgs[i][j].getSubject(), attachments[k].getName(), attachments[k].getSize());
but I don't find how to remove an attachment.
Note: I've already studied many other solutions for doing this, I've already read nearly every article about this (solutions with dedicated web services, with local clients like Thunderbird + Attachment extractor plugin, etc.), but none of them are really really cool. That's why I was looking for a solution to do it manually via Google Apps Script.
Looks like messages will have to be re-created-ish:
Messages are immutable: they can only be created and deleted. No message properties can be changed other than the labels applied to a given message.
Using Advanced Gmail Service with the Gmail API insert() you can hack your way around it using: Gmail.Users.Messages.insert(resource, userId)
This advanced service must be enabled before use.
Example: [fill in the EMAIL_ID
with an email_id
or in whatever way you want to get the email]
function removeAttachments () {
// Get the `raw` email
var email = GmailApp.getMessageById("EMAIL_ID").getRawContent();
// Find the end boundary of html or plain-text email
var re_html = /(-*\w*)(\r)*(\n)*(?=Content-Type: text\/html;)/.exec(email);
var re = re_html || /(-*\w*)(\r)*(\n)*(?=Content-Type: text\/plain;)/.exec(email);
// Find the index of the end of message boundary
var start = re[1].length + re.index;
var boundary = email.indexOf(re[1], start);
// Remove the attachments & Encode the attachment-free RFC 2822 formatted email string
var base64_encoded_email = Utilities.base64EncodeWebSafe(email.substr(0, boundary));
// Set the base64Encoded string to the `raw` required property
var resource = {'raw': base64_encoded_email}
// Re-insert the email into the user gmail account with the insert time
/* var response = Gmail.Users.Messages.insert(resource, 'me'); */
// Re-insert the email with the original date/time
var response = Gmail.Users.Messages.insert(resource, 'me',
null, {'internalDateSource': 'dateHeader'});
Logger.log("The inserted email id is: %s",
This will remove the attachments from the email and re-insert it into your mailbox.
edit/update: New RegExp to work with html&plain-text only emails - should now work on multiple boundary strings