I'm dealing with a .csv export from Nessus, where essentially I have a column of Host IPs and a column with Plugin IDs
My customer wants an output where, for example, Plugin X would be in a column, and then next to it would be a comma separated list of affected Host IPs, and then next to THAT would be a count of the affected Host IPs.
After importing the Nessus CSV with Powershell, I was able to start to get what I needed with this:
$allfiltered | select-object 'Host IP','Plugin ID' | Where-Object 'Plugin ID' -like "57041" | Format-Table -Property 'Plugin ID','Host IP'
This gives me an output like this:
But as you can see, I have a long way to go to pull this into the output I need (see pic above).
I think I'm eventually going to need a for loop to get all the plugin values assessed, but I need to figure out how to essentially query for "Take all IPs that match plugin X and place them into a comma separated list" and go from there.
Can you help steer me in the right direction?
What you want can be done simply using the Group-Object
Something like this for instance would group all plugins together, then you could iterates the groups, join the ips together in a comma delimited string and do whatever you wish from there.
$Grouped = $List | group -Property PluginID | sort PluginID
Foreach ($Group in $Grouped) {
$IpsDelimited = ($group.Group | Select -ExpandProperty IP | Sort) -join ','
Write-Host "Plugin ID: $($Group.Name) " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
Write-Host $IpsDelimited
Here is the sample list I used for this example.
# The list is for example purpose based on what you have.
$List = @(
new-object psobject -Property @{'PluginID'='57041 ';IP=''}
new-object psobject -Property @{'PluginID'='57041 ';IP=''}
new-object psobject -Property @{'PluginID'='57041 ';IP=''}
new-object psobject -Property @{'PluginID'='57042 ';IP=''}
new-object psobject -Property @{'PluginID'='57042 ';IP=''}
new-object psobject -Property @{'PluginID'='57043 ';IP=''}
new-object psobject -Property @{'PluginID'='57043 ';IP=''}
new-object psobject -Property @{'PluginID'='57044 ';IP=''}
Resulting output
For fun
If you were to re-export it to a CSV file, you could use calculated properties to manipulate your output object directly and export it with the modified informations.
$Output = $Grouped |
Select @{'N'='PluginID';E={$_.Name}},
@{N='IPSDelimited';E={($_.Group | Select -ExpandProperty IP | Sort) -join ','}},
@{N='My other field';E={$_.Group.OtherField}}
$Output | Export-Csv -Path 'MyPath' -NoTypeInformation