
Groovy: re-compile a class from file and memory leaks

As per ref-doc:

A GroovyClassLoader keeps a reference of all the classes it created, so it is easy to create a memory leak. In particular, if you execute the same script twice, if it is a String, then you obtain two distinct classes!

I use a file as a source for parsing but turned caching off:

  GroovyCodeSource src = new GroovyCodeSource( file )
  src.cachable = false
  Class clazz = groovyClassLoader.parseClass src
  Class clazz1 = groovyClassLoader.parseClass src "$clazz <=> $clazz1 equal: ${clazz == clazz1}"

the log output is always

class MyClass <=> class MyClass equal: false

If I comment the line src.cachable = false, then the class instances become equal, but they are NOT re-compiling even though the underlying file has changed.

Hence the question: how can I re-compile classes properly without creating a memory leak?


  • After doing some experiments, I figured out that switching back to using String:

    String src = 'class A {}'
    Class clazz = groovyClassLoader.parseClass src groovyClassLoader.loadedClasses.join( ', ' )

    the loaded classes do not change in lenght, even if a class has some Closures inside (which appear as classes as well).