
Difference between Managed and Unmanaged Disk

Can someone tell me the main benefits and differences between Managed disks and Unmanaged disks, various pros and cons of the managed and unmanaged disk and how best can I use this?


  • I would like to highlight some of the benefits of using managed disks:

    1. Simple and scalable VM deployment: Managed Disks will allow you to create up to 10,000 VM disks in a subscription, which will enable you to create thousands of VMs in a single subscription.

    2. Better reliability for Availability Sets: Managed Disks provides better reliability for Availability Sets by ensuring that the disks of VMs in an Availability Set are sufficiently isolated from each other to avoid single points of failure.

    3. Highly durable and available.

    4. Granular access control: You can use Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to assign specific permissions for a managed disk to one or more users. Managed Disks exposes a variety of operations, including read, write (create/update), delete, and retrieving a shared access signature (SAS) URI for the disk.

    5. Azure Backup service support: Use Azure Backup service with Managed Disks to create a backup job with time-based backups, easy VM restoration and backup retention policies.

    6. Are unmanaged disks still supported: Yes. Both support unmanaged and managed disks. We recommend that you use managed disks for new workloads and migrate your current workloads to managed disks.

    Refer Azure Managed Disks Overview for more details.