I am Working Researchkit based application where i am navigating to the question based on the selected option of a single choice question in Xcode 8.3.3 . Unfortunately app crashing dynamically in setting the navigation rule. Earlier in Xcode 8.2.1 i have no issue and working smooth. Please let me know whats going wrong in my code, Following is the crash log:
Could not cast value of type '(predicate : __ObjC.NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier : Swift.String)' (0x15fe50570) to '(resultPredicate : __ObjC.NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier : Swift.String)' (0x15fe60530). 2017-10-10 07:37:57.530808 Turbo[7440:2981376] Could not cast value of type '(predicate : __ObjC.NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier : Swift.String)' (0x15fe50570) to '(resultPredicate : __ObjC.NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier : Swift.String)' (0x15fe60530).
let textChoiceOneText = NSLocalizedString("Choice 1", comment: "")
let textChoiceTwoText = NSLocalizedString("Choice 2", comment: "")
let textChoiceThreeText = NSLocalizedString("Choice 3", comment: "")
// The text to display can be separate from the value coded for each choice:
let textChoices = [
ORKTextChoice(text: textChoiceOneText, value: "choice_1" as NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol),
ORKTextChoice(text: textChoiceTwoText, value: "choice_2" as NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol),
ORKTextChoice(text: textChoiceThreeText, value: "choice_3" as NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol)
let answerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: textChoices)
let questionStepzero = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: String(describing:"singlechoice0"), title: "titel", answer: answerFormat)
let question1 = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: "question1")
question1.answerFormat = ORKBooleanAnswerFormat()
let question2 = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: "question2")
question2.answerFormat = ORKBooleanAnswerFormat()
let question6 = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: "question6")
question6.answerFormat = ORKBooleanAnswerFormat()
//Question 7
let defaultDate = Date()
let minDate = Date()
let maxDate = Date()
let nameQuestionStepTitle = "title message"
let dateAnswer = ORKDateAnswerFormat(style:ORKDateAnswerStyle.date, defaultDate: defaultDate, minimumDate: minDate, maximumDate: maxDate, calendar: nil)
let dataPickerQuestionStep7 = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: "datequestion7", title:nameQuestionStepTitle, answer: dateAnswer)
let steps = [questionStepzero,question1, question2,question6,dataPickerQuestionStep7]
let task = ORKNavigableOrderedTask(identifier: "task", steps: steps)
let predicate1 = ORKResultPredicate.predicateForChoiceQuestionResult(with: ORKResultSelector(resultIdentifier: "singlechoice0"), matchingPattern: "choice_1")
let predicate2 = ORKResultPredicate.predicateForChoiceQuestionResult(with: ORKResultSelector(resultIdentifier: "singlechoice0"), matchingPattern: "choice_2")
let predicate3 = ORKResultPredicate.predicateForChoiceQuestionResult(with: ORKResultSelector(resultIdentifier: "singlechoice0"), matchingPattern: "choice_3")
let singleChulesArray:NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
var dict:NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
dict.setObject(predicate1, forKey: "predicateInstance" as NSCopying)
dict.setObject("datequestion7", forKey: "Destination" as NSCopying)
dict = NSMutableDictionary()
dict.setObject(predicate2, forKey: "predicateInstance" as NSCopying)
dict.setObject("question2", forKey: "Destination" as NSCopying)
dict = NSMutableDictionary()
dict.setObject(predicate3, forKey: "predicateInstance" as NSCopying)
dict.setObject("question6", forKey: "Destination" as NSCopying)
//Static loading of Predicates and Destintionidentifiers
let predicateRule1 = ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule(resultPredicatesAndDestinationStepIdentifiers: [
(resultPredicate: predicate1, destinationStepIdentifier: "datequestion7"),
(resultPredicate: predicate2, destinationStepIdentifier: "question2"),
(resultPredicate: predicate3, destinationStepIdentifier: "question6")
//Dynamic loading of Predicates and Destination identifiers
var stuff:[(predicate: NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier: String)] = [(predicate: NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier: String)]()
for (_, PredicateDict) in singleChulesArray.enumerated()
stuff += [(predicate: (PredicateDict as AnyObject).value(forKey: "predicateInstance") as! NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier: (PredicateDict as AnyObject).value(forKey: "Destination") as! String)]
let predicateRule = ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule(resultPredicatesAndDestinationStepIdentifiers: stuff as! [(resultPredicate: NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier: String)])
task.setNavigationRule(predicateRule, forTriggerStepIdentifier: "singlechoice0")
let taskViewController = ORKTaskViewController(task: task, taskRun: nil)
taskViewController.view.tintColor = TurboConstants.globalAccess.primaryClr
taskViewController.delegate = self
present(taskViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
You are using the ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule
initializer incorrectly. The initializer takes an Array of tuples as parameter. You need to pass the tuple's element's names in the initializer:
let predicateRule = ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule(resultPredicatesAndDestinationStepIdentifiers: [(resultPredicate: predicate1, destinationStepIdentifier: "datequestion7")])
Or with multiple tuples:
let predicateRule = ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule(resultPredicatesAndDestinationStepIdentifiers: [
(resultPredicate: predicate1, destinationStepIdentifier: "datequestion7"),
(resultPredicate: predicate2, destinationStepIdentifier: "question2"),
(resultPredicate: predicate3, destinationStepIdentifier: "question6"),
Or dynamically (as in your code above):
var stuff = [(resultPredicate: NSPredicate, destinationStepIdentifier: String)]()
for predicateDict in singleChulesArray
let predicateDict = predicateDict as? [String: Any],
let predicate = predicateDict["predicateInstance"] as? NSPredicate,
let identifier = predicateDict["Destination"] as? String
else { continue }
stuff.append((resultPredicate: predicate, destinationStepIdentifier: identifier))
To remove the crash you only needed to change the tuple element name predicate
to the correct name resultPredicate
. When tuples are used as parameters in a method the naming of the element names has to be exactly as in the method signature. Or you will get a crash.
I took the liberty to change a bit more in that part of your code. I removed the force casting (which is almost never a good idea) and used optional unwrapping instead. Also I used append
to add a new tuple to the stuff
array instead of creating a new array (with the tuple as its only element) and then adding that array to the stuff array.