
Lumen: failed to open stream: Permission denied in .../vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/StreamHandler.php:107

My OS is ubuntu 16.04 and I am running Lumen 5.5. When I try to run the app in the browser I get an error 500:enter image description here

and I am getting that error in my /var/log/nginx:

2017/10/09 06:51:26 [error] 1063#1063: *132 FastCGI sent in stderr: 
"PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught UnexpectedValueException: 
 The stream or file "/home/ila/vhosts/"
 could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied in 

Permission in storage/ is :enter image description here

Permissions in vendor/ and all monolog/ sub files are :enter image description here

So, I think could apply sudo chmod -R guo+w /vendor but I dont know if it would works or even if it is a good practice.

How are you solving this issue?


  • It looks like Storage folder doesnt have permission to write log files so you can run

        chmod -R o+w projectname/storage
       chmod -R o+w projectname/bootstrap

    if you are using nginx then you need to use nginx user permission like below

    sudo chown -R nginx:root storage
    sudo chown -R nginx:root bootstrap