Image I have the following entity: Company and Employee, with spring data neo4j annotation:
@NodeEntity(label = "Company")
public class Company {
* Graph ID
private Long id;
@NodeEntity(label = "Employee")
public class Employee {
* Graph ID
private Long id;
Then there is the relationship entity for these entities:
@RelationshipEntity(type = "EMPLOY")
public class EmployRel {
* Graph ID
private Long id;
private Company company;
private Employee employee;
So how to keep the reference in Company
and Person
@Relationship(type = "EMPLOY", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
private Set<EmployRel> employeeRel = new HashSet<>();
@Relationship(type = "EMPLOY", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
private Set<Employee> employee = new HashSet<>();
@Relationship(type = "EMPLOY", direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
private Company company = new Company();
@Relationship(type = "EMPLOY", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
private EmployRel employRel = new EmployRel();
You have to declare in Company
(outgoing relationship to Employee
through EmployeeRel
public Set<EmployRel> employees = new HashSet<>();
And the inverse in Employee
@Relationship(direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
public HashSet<EmployRel> isEmployedBy = new HashSet<>();
Note that here you chose to have the relationship navigable on both sides, but it is not mandatory. It will also work to have it navigable only from Company
or Employee