I'm new with Symfony and EasyAdmin. In my entity I have a birthday. But when I show it, it shows the start year 2012, end 2022. How can I fix it?
This is the code:
* @var \date
* @ORM\Column(name="birth_day", type="date")
private $birthDay;
You're experiencing a Symfony default year range. To solve this, you can construct your own DateTime type like this:
namespace AppBundle\AdminForm\Field;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateTimeType;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;
class MyCustomDateType extends DateTimeType
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
// Set the defaults from the DateTimeType we're extending from
// Override: Go back 20 years and add 20 years
$resolver->setDefault('years', range(date('Y') - 20, date('Y') + 20));
// Override: Use an hour range between 08:00AM and 11:00PM
$resolver->setDefault('hours', range(8, 23));
You could then instruct EasyAdmin to use this type like so:
- { property: 'occurance',
type: 'AppBundle\AdminForm\Field\MyCustomDateType',
label: 'Date and time' }