
Android-Job run every time device is plugged in

In my Android app I need to run a background service every time the device is plugged in and idle (it should start after the user connects his device to the charger and end when he disconnects it).

What I want is a similar thing to listening for the ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED broadcast, but targeting Oreo this broadcast doesn't get sent.

I tried Android-Job from Evernote because it doesn't require Google Play Services, as Firebase JobDispatcher does.

 new JobRequest.Builder(DemoSyncJob.TAG)

The problem is that I don't want to have to schedule the job every time. Instead, I want to schedule the job once and have it run every time the user connects his device to the charger.

How can it be done? Thank you.


  • Because it's fine for me to run the job only once a day, but only when the device is plugged in, I have solved the problem like this:

    public class ProcessPhotosJob extends Job {
        public static final String TAG = "process_photos_job";
        protected Result onRunJob(Params params) {
            new ProcessPhotos().execute(getContext());
            return Result.SUCCESS;
        public static void scheduleNow() {
        public static void scheduleForTomorrow() {
        private static void schedule(long delayMillis) {
            if (!JobManager.instance().getAllJobRequestsForTag(TAG).isEmpty()) {
                // Job already scheduled
            new JobRequest.Builder(ProcessPhotosJob.TAG)
                .setExecutionWindow(delayMillis, delayMillis + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1))

    Hope it helps someone.