There is an R package called prophet
which is very good. It is a generalized additive model. The dependent variable is the the metric you are trying to solve and the independent variables are: the growth function, seasonality function, and a variable that will account for things not found in those two variables. I want to be able to add another independent variable. For example:
Let's say I want to solve for Page Views. I have the past nine years worth of data and in this package it will take the seasonality and growth rate into account to solve for this. How would I include another independent variable such as "Temperature"?
This is what the equation looks like behind the scenes:
Page_Views = g(t) + s(t) + e(t)
I want to add another variable:
Page_Views = g(t) + s(t) + Beta(Temperature) + e(t)
How would I do this in the prophet package?
Here is a tutorial on how to use the package:
Data is found here:
future <- make_future_dataframe(m, period = 365)
forecast <- prophet:::predict.prophet(m, future)
plot(m, forecast)
The main question I want to know is: "Is there a way to add an additional independent variable to my generalized additive model in the prophet package?
Thanks, any help would be great!
Currently library developers have added an add_regressor
function, which models external regressors in the linear part of the model. See the documentation.