
Format XML output/modify Transformer in apache commons-configurations2

I am trying to migrate from the old commons-configuration to commons-configuration2 but I am having trouble formatting the XML output with indentation when using the new Configurations builder.

Before I did like this, which worked fine.

XMLConfiguration configuration = new XMLConfiguration()
    protected Transformer createTransformer()
        throws ConfigurationException
        Transformer transformer = super.createTransformer();
        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
        transformer.setOutputProperty("}indent-amount", "4");
        return transformer;

But in commons-configurations2 you use a ConfigurationBuilder to get a XMLConfiguration instance, which removes the ability to create a subclass of XMLConfiguration, for example like this:

XMLConfiguration configuration = configurations
        .xmlBuilder(new File("config.xml"))

Is there any other way of customizing the XMLConfiguration's Transformer?



  • Here is how I solved it.

    Create a new class which extends XMLConfiguration:

    public class PrettyXMLConfiguration
        extends XMLConfiguration
        protected Transformer createTransformer()
            throws ConfigurationException
            Transformer transformer = super.createTransformer();
            transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
                "{}indent-amount", "4");
            return transformer;

    Create the XMLConfiguration like this instead:

    XMLConfiguration builder = new Configurations()
            .fileBasedBuilder(PrettyXMLConfiguration.class, new File("config.xml"))

    or even simpler:

    XMLConfiguration builder = new Configurations()
        .fileBased(PrettyXMLConfiguration.class, new File("config.xml"));