I wrote a function for dbatools called New-DbaSqlConnectionStringBuilder. I wrote unit tests for it. I know these unit tests cover most of the function. I am getting 0% code coverage report with the following command.
Invoke-Pester .\tests\New-DbaSqlConnectionStringBuilder.Tests.ps1 -CodeCoverage .\functions\New-DbaSqlConnectionStringBuilder.ps1
Abridged output below:
Running C:\Users\zippy\Documents\dbatools\tests\New-
. . .
Unit tests happen
. . .
Passed: 16 Failed: 0 Skipped: 0 Pending: 0 Inconclusive: 0
Code coverage report:
Covered 0.00% of 21 analyzed commands in 1 file.
To get this version of the code:
git clone https://github.com/zippy1981/dbatools.git
cd dbatools
git checkout testing/PesterCodeCoverage
Import-Module .\dbatools.psd1
What am I doing wrong?
Just psychic debugging:
Your module is installed and your test are running against the module instead of the: ' .\functions\New-DbaSqlConnectionStringBuilder.ps1' file.