
How to Set a Default Subparser using Argparse Module with Python 2.7

I'm using Python 2.7 and I'm trying to accomplish a shell like behavior using argparse. My issue, in general, that I cannot seem to find a way, in Python 2.7, to use argparse's subparsers as optional. It's kind of hard to explain my issue so I'll describe what I require from my program.

The program has 2 modes of work:

  1. Starting the program with a given command (each command has it's own additional arguments) and additional arguments will run a specific task.
  2. Starting the program without a command will start a shell-like program that can take a line of arguments and process them as if the program was called with the given line as it's arguments.

So, if for example my program supports 'cmd1' and 'cmd2' commands, I could use it like so:

or with shell mode:

In addition, I also want my program to be able to take optional global arguments that will effect all commands.

For that I'm using argparse like so (This is a pure example):

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="{} - Version {}".format(PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_VERSION))

parser.add_argument("-i", "--info",  help="Display more information")

subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

parserCmd1 = subparsers.add_parser("cmd1", help="First Command")

parserCmd2 = subparsers.add_parser("cmd2", help="Second Command")
parserCmd2.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Redirect Output")

So I can call cmd1 (with no additional args) or cmd2 (with or without -o flag). And for both I can add flag -i to display even more information of the called command.

My issue is that I cannot activate shell mode, because I have to provide cmd1 or cmd2 as an argument (because of using subparsers which are mandatory)


So how can I achieve This kind of behavior with argparse and python 2.7?


  • Another idea is to use a 2 stage parsing. One handles 'globals', returning strings it can't handle. Then conditionally handle the extras with subparsers.

    import argparse
    def cmd1(args):
        print('cmd1', args)
    def cmd2(args):
        print('cmd2', args)
    parser1 = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser1.add_argument("-i", "--info",  help="Display more information")
    parser2 = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    subparsers = parser2.add_subparsers(dest='cmd')
    parserCmd1 = subparsers.add_parser("cmd1", help="First Command")
    parserCmd2 = subparsers.add_parser("cmd2", help="Second Command")
    parserCmd2.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Redirect Output")
    args, extras = parser1.parse_known_args()
    if len(extras)>0 and extras[0] in ['cmd1','cmd2']:
        args = parser2.parse_args(extras, namespace=args)
        print('doing system with', args, extras)

    sample runs:

    0901:~/mypy$ python -i info
    ('doing system with', Namespace(info='info'), [])
    0901:~/mypy$ python -i info extras for sys
    ('doing system with', Namespace(info='info'), ['extras', 'for', 'sys'])
    0901:~/mypy$ python -i info cmd1
    ('cmd1', Namespace(cmd='cmd1', func=<function cmd1 at 0xb74b025c>, info='info'))
    0901:~/mypy$ python -i info cmd2 -o out
    ('cmd2', Namespace(cmd='cmd2', func=<function cmd2 at 0xb719ebc4>, info='info', output='out'))