I'm attempting to do some performance analysis on android/JNI.
How do I generate a release build for testing?
I know it's possible, as I've successfully produced a binary and executed it with no signing whatsoever via an Android.mk
file, but I'm trying to move to android studio, and it won't let me generate a test-build. Entering garbage in the key fields doesn't seem to work
This is just a test-project to validate I can get the performance I need. It'll never be distributed, or run on any device other then the one on my desk.
Can I just turn all the code verification off entirely? I'm doing validation now, and the end-use of this project is a non-internet-connected device which is intended to be treated as a black-box appliance.
Ok, as far as I can tell, it's impossible to disable the forced requirement, presumably because someone at google makes truly horrible design decisions.
You can, however, just use the debug keystore:
signingConfigs {
garbage_key {
keyAlias 'androiddebugkey'
keyPassword 'android'
storeFile file('C:/Users/<your_user>/.android/debug.keystore')
storePassword 'android'
Back to trying to get gradle to do anything sensible. This is by far the worst build disaster I've ever worked with.