Trying to insert into some table using my current table . Here is the structure of my current Temptable:
CustomerID Name Values FakeName
1 John 10apples 10apples_20oranges_30bananas
1 John 20oranges 10apples_20oranges_30bananas
1 John 30bananas 10apples_20oranges_30bananas
2 Steve 15apples 15apples_25oranges_35bananas
2 Steve 25oranges 15apples_25oranges_35bananas
2 Steve 35bananas 15apples_25oranges_35bananas
3 Harvey 10apples 10apples_20oranges_30bananas
3 Harvey 20oranges 10apples_20oranges_30bananas
3 Harvey 30bananas 10apples_20oranges_30bananas
This is my peice of code that I am executing :
Insert into customer (FakeName,type,address)
select (select distinct FakeName from Temptable),
from customer c
where c.fakename not in (select distinct Fakename from TempTable)
getting following error
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression
I want to insert distinct Fakenames from temptable
to customer
table , making sure if the fake name already exist then not to insert a duplicate fakename
select distinct FakeName from Temptable
is not a scalar, so you can't use it like that.
I think this is what you're after:
Insert into customer (FakeName,type,address)
select distinct
from Temptable c
where c.fakename not in (select distinct Fakename from customer)