
Reading date-time data stored as Excel format into MATLAB

I have a csv file which contains a column for data-time in Excel format, and two other columns which are floats; The Excel format date includes the number of days since 01-Jan-1900, so for example, 2 means 02-Jan-1900, and 365 means 30-Dec-1900, and so on.

The file looks like the following:


What is the best way to read this file and convert the date to datetime format in MATLAB?


  • Use readtable to read the file, then convert the dates using datetime. If you have the Financial Toolbox then you can do the conversion from Excel date numbers to MATLAB date numbers using x2mdate. If not then the offset is dependent on the date format you are using in Excel. See the doc for x2mdate for details of possible offsets.

    >> tbl = readtable('datafile.txt')
    tbl =
      3×3 table
          date      temp     value
        ________    _____    _____
        41909.89    49.67    32   
        41910.67    49.16    36   
        41911.37    45.33    37   
    >> tbl.date = datetime(tbl.date+693960,'ConvertFrom','Datenum')
    tbl =
      3×3 table
                date            temp     value
        ____________________    _____    _____
        27-Sep-2014 21:21:36    49.67    32   
        28-Sep-2014 16:04:48    49.16    36   
        29-Sep-2014 08:52:48    45.33    37