
Using REST api of ARCHIVA artefact repository

I need your help. I would like to access my Archiva artefact repository using the REST api, but only one request works: http://myArchiva/restServices

It returns a list of URLs to access the wadl files. But the listed urls as well as all other requests described in the Archiva documentation return status 404 - Not found! I tried it with Archiva 2.2.3 (with or without CRSF activated) and also with Archiva 2.2.1.

What do I wrong? Do I need to add special headers?


  • me found out 2 things that has to be done to work with Archiva REST-API (tested with archiva v2.2.3):

    Example URL Base Pattern for Rest-Requests:
    (from that point you can target the URL's as described in the Archiva-REST-Docs)

    It seems to be required that u have to put in Header a Referer in that manner:
    Referer: http://[YOUR-ARCHIVA-BASE-URL]/

    This finally works for me.