
WSDL Requests with Metro/JAX-WS/WSIT During Runtime

During runtime, JAX-WS fetches the WSDL of a SOAP endpoint even though it already ran wsimport in the IDE. This behavior is illustrated here:

Is there a limit to amount of metadata that a client can retrieve during runtime? If so, is there a way to increase this limit?

Please note that I am not referring to running wsimport inside the IDE; that works fine. I'm specifically talking about fetching the WSDL metadata during runtime.


  • After many long hours spent on this problem, we came up with a solution. I was working in a Glassfish environment with Metro in Netbeans. If we copied the WEB-INF to the source packages folder everything worked. The java runtime could now bind to the relative path in the jaxws-catalog.xml file. Without copying that folder, it wouldn't work.