I want the user to be able to chose a new default calendar with the EKCalendarChooser. So far this is what I thought that might work but it is not.
func calendarChooserDidFinish(_ calendarChooser: EKCalendarChooser) {
print("Done was pressed")
// Set to default calendar
for source in eventStore.sources {
if source.sourceType == .local {
calendar.source = source
dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
How can I set a new default calendar with the EKCalendarChooser?
//get your calendar if it was previously created
let calendars = eventStore.calendars(for: .event)
for c in calendars
if c.title == "calendarName"
calendar = c
//create it if it was not created previously
if calendar == nil
let calendar = EKCalendar(for: .event, eventStore: eventStore)
calendar.title = "calendarName"
if eventStore.sources.count == 0
calendar.source = EKSource()
self.setStoreForCalendar(calendar: calendar, store: eventStore)
try eventStore.saveCalendar(calendar, commit: true)
catch let err as NSError
print ("error \(err.description)")
//set defaultCalendar
func setStoreForCalendar(calendar:EKCalendar, store:EKEventStore)
var mSource:EKSource?
for source in store.sources
if source.sourceType == .calDAV && source.title == "iCloud"
mSource = source
if mSource == nil
// saving on the local calendar
mSource = store.defaultCalendarForNewEvents?.source