I'm looking for a device who has the capability to be a GPSR tracker and have the same features like ELM327 OBD II has. The features I'm talking about are:
I've found some devices but none of them has this features...
Since you did not mentioned any platforms, I write 3 opportunities you have and you can spread it further!
1) You can use Arduino Uno or Raspberry Pi with Arduino kits.
For instance, combining Raspberry Pi and Arduino geolocation tracker (GPRS + GPS) kit and a CAN Bus Module, you can get what you want. There are many good examples and libraries for C++ and Python. For a rough idea look at Cooking Hacks website, Realtime GPS+GPRS Tracking example and CAN Bus Module Tutorial for Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
2) Alternative is using a mobile device (cellphone) using a Bluetooth or WiFi CAN Bus (eg. ELM327) and write an app to save the GPS data through the Built-in GPS module and OBD data via ELM327. Then you can send your data using mobile data.
3) I've seen devices such as TK228 OBD-II GPS Tracker But I don't have any idea how useful they are and how they work!
I have tested 1 & 2. There are some bottlenecks using Raspberry Pi but Android + a CAN Bus module worked for me perfectly.