
Dynamic SSRS LInk

I am creating a SSRS report with dynamic URL. Content which is in bold is the system generated ticket number which I want to pull my the Fields!Change_Number.Value column.

Original URL


This is what I have tried



The ActionInfo.Action.Hyperlink expression for the text box 
‘Change_Number2’ contains an error: [BC30205] End of statement expected.


  • You need to concatenate those fields: the first is within the double quote block, so it is being taken literally and adding the string 'Fields!Change_Number.Value' to the URL, not the value that you want. The second field is just bare outside the double quotes, so it doesn't know what to do with it - that is the one causing the error.

    You can concatenate strings using either + or &. See: Operators in Expressions

    ="https://sm.com/webier-9.50/index.do?ctx=docEngine&file=cm3r&query=number%3D%22" & Fields!Change_Number.Value & "%22&action=%title=Change%20" & Fields!Change_Number.Value