I need to specify a specific unit test to run. Of course, I looked at Stack Overflow Answers after I looked at the documentation, but neither used a fixture.
How do I specify a test case to run if I have:
struct Fixture
BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(add_remove, Fixture)
If I pass --run_test=add_remove
, the process returns with a message Test setup error: no test cases matching filter or all test cases were disabled.
I've looked at: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_64_0/libs/test/doc/html/boost_test/runtime_config/test_unit_filtering.html
Is it possible to run only subsets of a Boost unit test module?
When you're using the path to the test case as the argument to --run_test
, it must also include the name of the suite. In your case, pass --run_test=mysuite/add_remove
. This is described in the documentation (look at the table in that section).