I want to generate an audio spectrum (as seen in this video) of a mp3 audio file. Basically this problem requires calculating the fft of the audio signal. How do I program this in C/C++?
I've looked at a couple of open source libraries such as FFTW and I really don't know how to use these for my problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
There are quite a few similar/related questions on SO already which are well worth reading as the answers contain a lot of useful information and advice, but in essence you need to do this:
sqrt(re*re + im*im)
);20 * log10(magnitude)
or 10 * log10(re*re + im*im)
);Note that while FFTW is a very good and very fast FFT it may be a little overwhelming for a beginner - it's also very expensive if you want to include it as part of a commercial product. I recommend starting with KissFFT instead.