I want to edit some pdf file with setasign fpdi, When it was fpdi still in version 1.6.* i use this way to use it : I install it via composer
composer require setasign/fpdf & composer require setasign/fpdi
And i use it in Laravel controller :
$pdf = new \FDPI();
It work for fpdi version 1.6.* (Legacy)
But when i use the fpdi v2.0.0 and i call the fpdi class in controller using
$pdf = new \FPDI();
it give an error message "Could find FPDI class" from Laravel
Any advice on how to use fpdi v2.0.0 in Laravel5?
Thank you in advance.
Version 2 uses namespaces:
$pdf = new \setasign\Fpdi\Fpdi();
A full migration guide is available here.