I would like to pass in a string variable that will be used as the property name.
For example, if I have the variable property_name
, which contains a string, I want to do something like this:
property :property_name, type: String, getter: ->(_) { "sample text" }
and the property name would change depending on what text I have inside the variable.
Is something like this possible? If so, what is the syntax for doing so?
Thanks for any help!
I have found the easiest way to accomplish this is by using the :if
For example:
property :name1, type: String, if: ->(_) { property_name == 'name1' }, getter: (_) { "sample text" }
property :name2, type: String, if: ->(_) { property_name == 'name2' }, getter: (_) { "sample text" }
The above would allow me to pass in a variable property_name. If I set the value of property_name to "name1" then the first property statement will be rendered. If I set property_name to "name2", then the second property statement will be rendered instead.